New York SEO Consultant

Looking for a New York SEO Consultant?

I help businesses in NYC 10x website traffic to get more leads, and sales from Google

5 Reasons You Need to Partner With a New York City SEO Consultant [Like Me!]

Here are five reasons you need professional SEO services and to work with an SEO specialist

Ultimate growth engine.

SEO is Your Ultimate Growth Engine

SEO isn't just a digital marketing strategy; it's your business's lifeline, your secret weapon to ranking higher in search engines and reaching more customers!

Now, imagine in the city of New York, thirty potential customers are searching for your services the same day, and voilà, your business appears in the search results.

That's the power of SEO!

It's like having a neon sign in Times Square, but instead of lighting up the night, it's directing people searching for your services straight to your business, all-day everyday.

With the SEO, you're not just throwing darts in the dark, hoping to hit.

You're a sharpshooter, hitting the bullseye every time, driving traffic ready to convert.

Now, this brings me to the second reason.

Search intent

Search Intent

Picture this.

Your customer, Emma, is searching for a plumber to install a new shower in her home.

Her intent is clear: she needs a shower installed.

She doesn't go to Instagram, Facebook, or TickTok to look for a plumber to install her shower.

She gets on her cell phone or laptop and searches Google.

When people in New York City want to find something, they google it.

Now, my third reason.

Google works 24/7.

Google Works 24/7

Search engines are like AI assistants that never sleep.

They always connect people with what they're looking for every hour of every day.

This 24/7 help is especially important in a place like New York City that doesn't sleep.

Your business stays open even when you close your doors for the night.

A well-set-up website acts like a helpful friend, answering questions and making connections, day or night.

With search engines constantly working, your business is never closed.

It's always taking orders, always helpful, even when the city goes quiet.

This brings me to the fourth reason.


SEO Doesn't Stop Working

What happens when you stop paying for social media ads?

They stop working.

While the effects of social media marketing methods disappear when you stop paying for them, SEO keeps working.

It doesn't just help you get one-time results; it keeps bringing people to your business long after they see you in the search rankings.

It's about using the right words and creating exciting content that makes your online presence strong and lasting.

Let's go to reason number four.

Search intent

Your Competitors Are Already Doing SEO

Your rivals are already doing SEO.

Don't believe me?

Go to Google and search for one of your services.

Do you appear on the first page?

Do you appear on the first page for any of your services?

If not, you're losing more than just money to your competitors.

You're losing market share, referrals, and lifetime customers to your competitors.

Still think you don't need New York SEO?

Think again.

New York SEO Consulting Services

I offer the following SEO services to businesses in all five New York City boroughs

1-on-1 SEO Consulting

Get a 1-on-1 SEO consulting to guide your SEO success!

I provide tailored advice and strategies that fit your business’s needs and goals.

Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or run an established enterprise, I'm here to navigate you through the New York SEO jungle.

I'll work closely with you to understand your objectives, analyze your website's current standings, and formulate an actionable SEO plan to boost your SEO performance.

Local SEO Services

Want to be the top choice in your area, like Brooklyn, Bronx, or Staten Island, and grab all the great leads and customers?

Local SEO services help small businesses in New York City get noticed in Google's local search pack and the local search results.

This means your business will show up more for the keywords that matter most to you!

Transform your website into a powerhouse for generating leads. Get advanced SEO strategies, content marketing, and link-building, no matter your industry.

Keyword Research

Looking to pinpoint the exact words and phrases customers are typing into the search bar?

Keyword Research is your roadmap to understanding your audience’s language!

I dig deep to find the keywords that matter most to your business, focusing on terms likely to bring in traffic and convert visitors into customers.

I explore every nook and cranny of your niche, identifying golden nuggets—those highly relevant, low-competition keywords that can propel your website to the top of search engine results.

Whether you’re a seasoned brand in Staten Island or a new business in Queens, my keyword research service lays the foundation for your SEO success and turning your website into a magnet for your target audience!

SEO Audit Service

Ever wonder why your site isn't getting the traffic?

An SEO Audit can tell you why.

It's like a health check for your website!

I dive into every aspect of your site to identify roadblocks that stop you from ranking high on search engines.

I look at your website's structure, internal and external links, keyword usage, and content quality, and give you a clear picture of where you stand.

Whether you're a plumber, electrician, or general contractor in Brooklyn, Queens, or Manhattan, my detailed reports and actionable insights are your first step to beating your competition.

Link Building

Want to boost your website's authority and drive more organic traffic your way?

Link Building is the key!

I specialize in acquiring high-quality, relevant backlinks that signal to search engines your site is a trusted source of information.

I employ various strategies, including content marketing, outreach, and digital PR, to secure valuable links from reputable sites in your industry.

Whether you're a small business in New York or a nationwide brand, we craft a customized link-building plan that aligns with your goals and targets.

My service is not just about quantity; I focus on quality and relevance to build a solid and natural link profile.

This approach ensures your site gains the trust and credibility it needs to climb the search engine rankings, attracting more visitors and converting them into loyal customers!

Google My Business Management

Want your business to shine and grab attention when local New Yorkers search for your services?

Google My Business Management is your spotlight!

I optimize your listing to make your business pop up when potential customers are on the hunt, whether you're an electrician, a plumber, or a roofer.

I manage every detail—from your business information and customer reviews to posting engaging photos and updates—ensuring your profile is spruced up and appealing.

By managing your GMB profile, your business shows up accurately and enticingly when someone nearby is looking for what you offer.

My goal is to make your business a local standout, attracting more clicks, calls, and turning local searchers into regulars.

With my hands-on management, your Google My Business profile becomes a powerful tool to connect with your community and grow your clientele!

In a Pool of SEO Agencies in New York City, Why Work Me?

Why work with me for your NYC SEO Services

Ultimate growth engine.

I Focus on Your Results

I'm your go-to person for all things SEO, especially regarding local SEO services for New York City businesses.

My main goal?

SEO is about more than just getting your website to appear in search results or get lots of clicks.

It's about bringing in real customers interested in your electrical services, boosting sales, and helping your business expand.

I'm all about creating strategies that do more than make your website visible — I make sure that the people who see your site become customers, helping your revenue increase!

Custom SEO campaigns.

I Build Custom SEO Campaigns, No Cookie Cutter

I craft SEO strategies that are tailor-made for your specific business.

I’m not a fan of the “one-size-fits-all” approach. Instead, I’m all about picking the strategies that mesh well with your revenue goals, your industry, and, of course, your audience.

By really diving into understanding your business and what you want to achieve online, I ensure every aspect of our plan works, from selecting the right keywords to creating awesome content, is customized to boost your online presence.

And I'm constantly tuning in, checking out the analytics and performance data, and tweaking things here and there to ensure everything's running smoothly and effectively.

I'm committed to ensuring your SEO strategies do what they're supposed to, and I won't stop. I'm here to ensure your business stands out online, succeeds, and gets those customers and sales you're after!

This personalized touch is my secret sauce to driving more organic traffic and boosting your site's search engine rankings!

Ultimate growth engine.

I Know What I'm Doing

I am a New York SEO specialist.

I've honed my skills in SEO (and web development) and have a track record of getting sites ranked.

My approach to SEO is holistic, covering everything from keyword research and content creation to technical SEO and link building.

I keep up with the latest SEO trends and algorithm changes to ensure my strategies are always practical and relevant. I also know how important it is to communicate clearly and work with my clients to help them reach their goals.

When you work with me, you're working with a specialist who knows how to make New York SEO work for your business.

When you work with me, you're working with a professional who knows everything there is to know about electrical SEO and how to make it work for your business.

Ultimate growth engine.

I’m All About Open Communication!

Keeping you informed about your SEO campaign at every step is super important to me.

I don't just tell you what I'm up to but also why I'm doing it.

I'll send you regular, easy-to-understand reports showing what our work is achieving.

You'll see all the important stuff—how we're doing on key performance indicators, metrics, and any milestones we've hit.

And, if we run into any snags, I'll be straight-up with you about what's going on and how we will fix it.

I aim to make the sometimes puzzling world of SEO super clear and easy for you to get. This way, you're not just watching from the sidelines—you're always informed.

Being open and honest is all about building a trusting relationship with you.

It ensures we're working together in the most genuine way possible!

Us vs. the competition.

I Don't Work With Your Competition!

My rule is super simple.

I won’t work with any other company in your industry in your local area.

I’m a big believer in giving my clients my full attention, and that means pouring all my skills and resources into one business per industry in each market area. This way, you know I’m 100% on your side with no divided loyalties.

This also means that all the cool strategies, insights, and competitive edges I come up with are yours and yours alone—none of your competitors will get their hands on them!

I’m really dedicated to this “one-per-area” approach because it lets me concentrate fully on making sure your business blows the others out of the water in the search engine results!

Meet Your New York SEO Consultant

Kester Browne, New York SEO Consultant.

Kester Browne

NYC SEO Consultant

With over half a decade in the field, Kester isn't just any SEO specialist – he's a passionate advocate for local businesses.

He loves working with local businesses and believes that local businesses are what drive the economy in New York, and the rest of the country.

He enjoys ranking his clients higher in the search engines and boosting revenues for smaller businesses and industries often sidelined by Google’s algorithms.

His experience in both local and national SEO campaigns gives him an advantage over other SEO consultants that usually steer clear of one or the other, putting him in the top tier of search engine optimization professionals in NYC.

Get Your Free SEO Diagnosis

Find out why you’re not ranking #1 in Google for your most important keywords

Frequently Asked Questions about New York Local SEO

Why is SEO important for businesses in New York City?

When people search for things on the internet, businesses that use SEO are more likely to show up first, and people usually click on the first thing they see.

Showing up in on the first page is crucial for New York businesses.

Because many businesses offer the same thing, showing up first will make a huge difference.

It helps businesses attract more people and builds trust because people generally trust companies that appear first in searches.

And when businesses get more people visiting their sites, it means more customers and more sales.

So, in a busy place like New York, SEO helps companies to get noticed, get customers, and grow!

How much does Local SEO cost for a New York City business?

The cost of SEO services for New York City businesses can vary widely depending on the scope of the project and the specific needs and goals of the company.

On average, small to mid-sized businesses spend between $2,000 and $5,000 monthly on SEO services.

Keep in mind that investing in high-quality SEO services can yield a significant return on investment in the long term.

How long does it usually take to see results from SEO in NYC?

In a highly competitive market like New York City, seeing tangible results from SEO typically requires time.

It can take around three to six months to see results from SEO services, but sometimes it can take longer.

It usually depends on the industry, competition, and the current state of the website.

Even after initial improvements, continuous effort is crucial to maintain and further enhance the rankings.

Can I manage my own SEO or should I hire a professional?

Managing your SEO is undoubtedly possible, especially if you understand SEO principles well, have the time to dedicate and are willing to learn.

Numerous resources and tools are available online to help business owners optimize their websites, improve their content, and build backlinks.

However, the learning curve can be steep, and SEO is a long-term, ongoing process that can be time-consuming.

On the other hand, hiring a professional or a reputable SEO specialist can be advantageous, especially if you lack the time or expertise to manage your SEO effectively.

Professionals bring experience, advanced skills, and industry insights that can help create more refined and practical strategies that address your business's unique needs and goals.

Why is SEO so expensive?

SEO is expensive because of the nature of the work involved and its impact on a business's online presence and profitability.

Effective SEO requires deep expertise and continual learning as search engine algorithms are ever-evolving, necessitating professionals to stay abreast of the latest updates and trends.

Secondly, SEO is not a one-time task; it demands ongoing efforts in optimizing websites, creating high-quality content, building links, and conducting keyword research, to maintain and improve search engine rankings over time.

The upfront costs can be significant.

But the long-term benefits, including increased brand credibility, customer trust, and sustained organic traffic, often outweigh the initial investment, rendering SEO a cost-effective strategy in the long run.

Should you work with a large digital agency?

You may be contemplating hiring a large digital agency for your SEO needs. While this can be a viable option, it’s crucial to consider the following factors and make an informed decision:

Lack of Personalization:

Your account may merely be a droplet in an ocean, potentially leading to a decreased personalized service a smaller SEO company might offer.

Risk of Becoming a Statistic:

There’s a risk of feeling like a mere entry in a long list of clients, rather than a valued partner.

This impersonal approach could impact the speed and meticulousness with which your business’s needs are addressed, coupled with the high probability of frequent staff changes.

Elevated Costs:

The imposing overhead of large SEO companies can inadvertently lead to elevated costs for their clientele. For burgeoning businesses or smaller entities, these enhanced costs might pose financial constraints.

Longer Response Times:

The larger client lists of bigger agencies might extend the response times to your queries, concerns, or requests. This delay could translate to prolonged wait times for resolutions or actions pertaining to your account.

One-Size-Fits-All Approach:

The inclination of large SEO agencies to rely on standardized strategies and packages may not align with the diverse needs of every business. A more nuanced, customized approach may be requisite to address your organization’s distinct needs.

Lack of Transparency:

There might be a cloud of ambiguity surrounding the strategies and methodologies employed by larger SEO firms. This lack of clarity can create uncertainties regarding the efficacy and the nature of the work being executed.

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